Be precise, this information is formal and may be utilized by Lenders, Title and Insurance companies. Capitalize names and streets etc. these are professional documents.
NO nicknames!
Be precise, double check and triple check all information. An incorrect email, or address, etc. will severely delay the delivery of the report and cause frustration. Be precise!
REALTORS, we can not use your email and phone number for the Buyers information, unless you are in fact the Buyer. Please put in the Buyers email and phone number. IMPORTANT documents must be sent for approval per FL state law.
BUYERS, please put in your Realtors contact info and email, this is who will make arrangements for access.
Once the inspection is requested an email confirmation will be sent to both Realtor and the Buyer. When we receive the request we will confirm and send another email with our pre-inspection agreement for the Buyer (please click to accept the agreement stating services) and payment link if you are paying via credit card please make payment at that time or bring a check to the inspection.